
Release #3

This is one more skin for the DeltaGlider IV skin pack I'm developing. It was published yesterday and I'll upload in Dan's website when I find time.
It's a skin based on paintings made on few FAP's ("Força Aérea Portuguesa") actual airplanes. Once I've found one airplane with jaws painted on the engine intake (one of those old nose-less jets; maybe North American F86 can't remember) in a exposition, but can't find it on the web. Apart from that you could try to match different traits of this skin with paintings shown on FAP's website being the only difficulty my lack of experience with camoflage patterns and there being several actual aircraft painted in the same way ;-) .

It can be found here:

I would like to recieve critics on this skin. For that go to Orbiter-Forum and find the OrbitHangar Thread of this skin. Also I may update this skin later from several factors.

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